Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Life with my 3yr old

CarLee is my crazy, fun loving, independent, tough, little girl. She loves to sing, dance, and wrestle with her brothers. We have fun together but she sure keeps me on my toes.
Today she woke up and her hair was it's usual crazy mess had to laugh and take a picture ha ha!!

So we got ready and took the boys to school and then had to run some errands. First thing was to go to the post office. I was not sure when it opened so I asked my phone. CarLee then decided she wanted to ask my phone some questions also. She peeps up 'ok Google now take me to Peyton's' ha ha she is a smart one!
After running errands we got drinks and were on our way home. She said mom something is on my cup. I look back at her to see red all over her face and cup. Took me a minute but she had a bloody nose. It didn't even phase her.

She always makes me smile and everyone she sees I her best friend!!
Fun going from 3 to 4!!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

A little dinner prep by all

With school starting my mom decided it was a good idea to get some meals prep for the next few weeks.
So Saturday we got all the recipes put together and set up a few prep stations. My two boys pick two recipes and we helped them read it and put it together. It was a lot of fun for everyone and now my kids are excited to eat the dinner they made.

 The other nice thing is the recipie we used were all crock pot so no hot oven in the summer and no cooking had to be done during prep.
The ones we have had so far are pretty good and has made my week so nice. We have had good dinners and I don't have to spend time figuring out what to cook and shop.
Here is the blog that we used and just a heads up her grocery list is for each meal 3 times. We didn't do 30 meals we did about 15.

So I plan on doing this more. It will definitely help on this crazy adventure from 3 to 4.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Summer fun inside

So here in AZ it's way to hot to play outside in the summer. We do go to the pool a lot and library but it's getting to the end of the summer and my kids and I are tired of the same stuff and being stuck inside. So I went to Pinterest and found some fun ideas. Then we headed to the Dollar Tree and got our supplies.

I spent $6 and got 14 latex balloons, 2 things of party streamers, 3 helium balloons and a dart gun (the ones we have are hard for CarLee so this one was easier for her to shot).

When we got home we started blowing up the balloons and taking them all over the loft. Then I sent the kids into thier room and I set up a lazer obstacle course they had to get through before they could shoot the ball on targets.

It was so much fun and we even had leftover streamers to make a lazer course for Clay to get through in order to get to his room when he got home from work.

Of course we invites a freind because my kids play so much better if there is someone else to play with and its more fun with friends.

So thank you Pinterest and The Dollar Tree for the fun time!!

Got to love figuring out this journey from 3 to 4!!!

Friday, April 8, 2016


Yes I am still alive and surviving going from 3 to 4. It's actually part of why I have been so absent the last few months. Just trying to survive.

I was just sitting here rocking Kendyl back to sleep. (She is my worst baby at sleeping but that's for another time) it's actually raining tonight here is AZ and I have my window open. There is something soothing about the sound and smell of the rain! It brings me back to when Clay and I were newlyweds. We lived in Port Angeles WA. It's crazy to think that was 10 yrs ago. I found myself feeling a little homesick for that time and place in our lives. We grew so much in those two years. We moved up there with only what we could pack in our car and the number of a lady in our church. We showed up at momma D's house and she welcomed us with open arms. The next day she helped us find a job for Clay and we got this little apartment. It's funny to think of that little place. It used to be a hotel so our apartment was like 2 hotel rooms ha ha but it was home. Other ward members for our church soon showed up with some furniture and we  bought our first bed an air mattress!!! In the middle of the night Clay would have to turn on the pump and pump it up ha ha it was all we needed. Eventually one of our new friends let us have her bed since she had a different one she was using. We used it the whole 2 yrs we were there! We were so blessed and there were a lot of other things that happened and people I met that I will always hold dear.

So now as I lay with my sleeping baby thinking about how far we have come I am feeling blessed again. We have 4 amazing and healthy kids. My husband has overcome an addiction and been able to stay clean for a year now. I get to stay home with my girls. I get to be involved in my boys school. I can pay it forward and serve others just like momma D and so many others have done for us. I do miss the days of just Clay and I and the simpler times. I wouldn't trade it but for tonight I  going to fall asleep thinking and reminiscing of the good old days!!!

That is where journey started from 3 to 4!

PS I am pretty sure one of my dear friends from WA is having her baby and that's why it's raining in AZ to let me know and feel like I am there with her!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Potty training and life

So I have been contemplating starting potty training with CarLee. She is only 2.5 and my boys were both over 3 before we started. She has just seemed more ready and to be honest I am just tired of changing 2 kids ALL the time. So Wednesday she actually said she wanted to wear underwear so I took that as a sign and we started. She was so excited to do it until it came to sitting on the toilet a lot! She had a few accidents but it was not bad. The next day I had planned to stay home. I bought marshmallows to use to bribe her and I was confident that it was going to happen. Boy was I wrong!!! It was the worst. She didn't want to sit and when she did she was just playing with EVERYTHING!!!!! She had a bunch of accidents and finally I had enough. I told her never mind let's put on a diaper you are not ready. She was not to happy about it but she let me put her in a diaper. About 10 min later she said I need to go potty took off her diaper and went pee!! That child will not do anything unless it's her idea. I wish I could say from then on it was a breeze and now she is potty trained but that's not what happened. She is back to wearing diapers but will sometimes tell me she wants to sit on the potty. Bottom line she is not ready and as much as I wish she was its not worth the frustration I was feeling every time she had an accident and being mad at her about it.

What I did learn is sometimes life is like potty training. When we force things before they are ready like relationships, careers, goals, ect.. It feels like a bunch of accidents and things hey in the way. We might feel frustrated or angry either usually it's with ourselves for pushing something to soon. Once we take the pressure off and wait for the right time it will be less messy and more enjoyable!

So if you start potty training your life before it's ready you will know because of all the shit you will have to clean up ;)
My lesson going from 3 to 4!!!!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

It's been awhile

So I am writing this when I really should be asleep but it's just been so long I needed to take the time to write.
It has been a crazy crazy 2 months! I have been struggling feeling motivated to do anything hence my lack of writing. I started to reflect and realized how much I loved sharing my life and stories and that it was something I was going to make time to do again. Also I am ready to start being a Herbalife health coach again. I miss how I felt sticking to my plan and how it felt to help others. There are a few more exciting ventures I am working on but those are to be kept confidential for a little longer.
Anyway to to a quick catch up! We loved spending Thanksgiving in St. George with Clay's family and we even got to see his oldest brother. The kids had a blast and as always were spoiled with attention from grandma and grandpa! I love that I get along with my in-laws and that I really am comfortable in their home.
December came and went so fast!! Clay finished his first semester back to school and did really well. He is all signed up for this next semester then can hopefully apply for the nursing program. I the meantime he is working really hard and something I have always loved and admired about him is he always takes pride in his job and want to be the best at whatever that's is. In Washington it was the video store. Montana he worked at a mini golf place. He has had several jobs here is AZ and he has always been seen as a valued employee and someone they can count on. Ok i know a little side tracked but I just have to praise him a little!!
Also in December my parents bought a house and we all moved into it Tuesday before Christmas! It was crazy but all my brothers were around so we got it done. We are now slowly getting it all settled in and its starting to feel more and more like home.
I think that was one reason I put my life aside this last few months. There was some uncertainty, but now we know we will be here and I can work on making our space home. I do feel some guilt moving my boys again but I know they can handle it.
Kendyl has continued to be my pickiest baby or maybe it's just that I have 3 other kids to take care of. She loves to be held and just fights falling asleep.
CarLee is always keeping us on our toes. She wants to be part of everything and do everything. Just when she is driving you crazy she does something super cute so you can't stay mad. I think I am in for a world of trouble with her ha ha!!
Karson is well Karson! He was such a great helper during the move and since then with painting and any job we can give him. He still has quite the fire in him but he does love to help!
Caden oh Caden! I am in trouble with him. He is all drama and sadly I think that's how I was with my parents also. He also is one that was great playing with the younger kids but he did not want to help move in. He is nervous about starting school bit he will be good.
So there is a quick recap. I will do better and go back to at least 2 a week. Love you all and hope you have a great New Year's!!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2015


There has been a lot that has happened in this last year and I am so thankful for all of it. Without my experiences and challenges I would not be who and where I am today.

I am thankful for my husband and best friend. We have gone through so much together and just keep growing stronger not apart. I am so proud of him for making some tough choices this year that will better him and our family. In December it will be 8 months pill free and he will finish his first semester back to school to go into nursing.

We completed our  family with the addition of our sweet baby Kendyl Rose! She is already strong willed and knows what she wants. She has a smile that will melt your heart and her siblings love and take care of her so well.

I have 2 kids in school now!! Caden is in 2nd grade and played his first season of flag football and loved it!! Karson is in kindergarten and is still my most challenging and yet rewarding child!

I decided it was time for me to be home with the kids again. That was a hard decision just because I loved my job but now I wouldn't change being home for anything! I started my blog which has been so fun and I am working on a new business idea to hopefully start this next year.

I love all my family and friends! You have all helped make this a year to be thankful for. I hope you all had a great thanksgiving where ever you may be!

Thanksgiving 2015 from 3 to 4.