CarLee is my crazy, fun loving, independent, tough, little girl. She loves to sing, dance, and wrestle with her brothers. We have fun together but she sure keeps me on my toes.
Today she woke up and her hair was it's usual crazy mess had to laugh and take a picture ha ha!!
So we got ready and took the boys to school and then had to run some errands. First thing was to go to the post office. I was not sure when it opened so I asked my phone. CarLee then decided she wanted to ask my phone some questions also. She peeps up 'ok Google now take me to Peyton's' ha ha she is a smart one!
After running errands we got drinks and were on our way home. She said mom something is on my cup. I look back at her to see red all over her face and cup. Took me a minute but she had a bloody nose. It didn't even phase her.
She always makes me smile and everyone she sees I her best friend!!
Fun going from 3 to 4!!