Thursday, January 21, 2016

Potty training and life

So I have been contemplating starting potty training with CarLee. She is only 2.5 and my boys were both over 3 before we started. She has just seemed more ready and to be honest I am just tired of changing 2 kids ALL the time. So Wednesday she actually said she wanted to wear underwear so I took that as a sign and we started. She was so excited to do it until it came to sitting on the toilet a lot! She had a few accidents but it was not bad. The next day I had planned to stay home. I bought marshmallows to use to bribe her and I was confident that it was going to happen. Boy was I wrong!!! It was the worst. She didn't want to sit and when she did she was just playing with EVERYTHING!!!!! She had a bunch of accidents and finally I had enough. I told her never mind let's put on a diaper you are not ready. She was not to happy about it but she let me put her in a diaper. About 10 min later she said I need to go potty took off her diaper and went pee!! That child will not do anything unless it's her idea. I wish I could say from then on it was a breeze and now she is potty trained but that's not what happened. She is back to wearing diapers but will sometimes tell me she wants to sit on the potty. Bottom line she is not ready and as much as I wish she was its not worth the frustration I was feeling every time she had an accident and being mad at her about it.

What I did learn is sometimes life is like potty training. When we force things before they are ready like relationships, careers, goals, ect.. It feels like a bunch of accidents and things hey in the way. We might feel frustrated or angry either usually it's with ourselves for pushing something to soon. Once we take the pressure off and wait for the right time it will be less messy and more enjoyable!

So if you start potty training your life before it's ready you will know because of all the shit you will have to clean up ;)
My lesson going from 3 to 4!!!!